Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Wallpaper memories

My parents found this half roll of wallpaper in the loft - leftover from either mine or my brothers nursery, so at least 30 years old. Beautiful watercolour animal prints on a thick vinyl that has slightly yellowed on the back. Such a shame there isn't enough to do a whole wall in Lilys bedroom....maybe I'll frame a section instead.

Monday, 28 March 2011

The worlds coolest mums

......and apparently I'm one! Look for me in the MM Mums section (although I take no credit for the 'Trend Spotting Stunner' title!!)

Recently launched by fellow mum and new friend, Mothers Meeting aims to bring together creative mums who want to talk about fashion, culture and design, not just nappies and nipple cream!

Thursday, 24 March 2011


New purchases from the local collectors fair. Clusters of vintage buttons to inspire and adorn.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Kitten heels

Gorgeous baby Gap knitted booties from Auntie Mara x

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Polish folk tales

Congratulations to my friend The Vintage Bride on her new baby boy. I bought him these gorgeous little two-colour print books of Polish folk tales from Present & Correct with simple words to get him on track for being bilingual, and bold illustrations that he can stare at for ages (like babies do!).

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Teeny bopper

Definitely Daddys hair........

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Oskar cuddles

Gorgeous afternoon cuddles with my friends 9 day old baby boy Oskar. I can't believe how big Lily looks next to him....surely she was never that small?!

Monday, 7 March 2011

Early riser

The little lady refused to go to sleep early Sunday morning so it was a brisk walk around the park...just us and a few lonesome joggers. Some photos of my journey using the shake version of Hipstamatic on my iPhone, which randomly selects a filter and gives you a surprise every time!