One of the reasons I haven't been able to post since last weekend (apart from the long work hours and too much Christmas socialising!) is that I have been too busy floating across lakes of cocktails!
Bompas & Parr - the experimental creatives who explore the combination of food and architecture and "how the taste of food is altered through synaesthesia, performance and setting", collaborated with Courvoisier to create an enormous punch bowl inside a building. Using innovative technology, the room was filled with Emperor's Shrub (the winning cocktail) and clothed in apron, shoe covers, hairnet and 'beard snoods' (?!) for the boys, you could float across the lake on a giant foam slice of orange and then get drunk on it!
I also went to their Alcoholic Architecture event in April (final 5 photos) - the UK's first walk-in cocktail, where you donned tyvek jumpsuits and hung out in a cloud of breathable cocktail made from a mist of vapourised gin and tonic! Definitely two of the most unique experiences I have had, fantastic colour visuals and sensory invasions - Bompas & Parr are ones to watch!